Wednesday 9 March 2016

Amazing Efficacy Tooth Paste for Beauty

 Image result for pasta gigi untuk kecantikan
Toothpaste that contains good for health and dental hygiene also has other benefits for skin beauty. To make the skin beautiful and clean no need to use expensive materials. Still, because toothpaste contains some ingredients that are also not good for the skin.

However, because the toothpaste contains a substance which can make the skin becomes hot, you should not use it too often. If you want the toothpaste to make the skin clean, should be according to the rules.

Toothpaste containing a whitening also had amazing properties as ordinary toothpaste. But you should if you choose a toothpaste that does not contain detergents in order to maintain the health of your skin. To get the amazing properties of toothpaste for beauty should be done in the following ways.

Here's the amazing properties of toothpaste for beauty:

1. Skin whitening
Whiten skin naturally more likely to use the fruits or other herbal ingredients. But have you ever tried to whiten the skin you use toothpaste. How to use toothpaste whitens skin quite easily by mixing one tablespoon of toothpaste and lemon juice until it becomes a paste. Spread evenly on the skin is desirable to be able to improve skin tone. Let stand until dry and completely absorbed, clean using warm water.

2. Eliminate Acne
Toothpaste can also eliminate acne well. If you have tried various ways but acne can not be lost, try to use dental pasta for acne disappear.
How clean the face first, apply toothpaste on acne prone skin and leave overnight. The next morning wash with warm water. Perform routine for three days and see the changes.

3. Remove the stain scars
Efficacy was amazing toothpaste for the next beauty is that it can remove scars on the skin. Ingredients in toothpaste can eliminate various impurities including scars.

The trick with toothpaste smeared on the skin that are scarred. Leave it for a day, if they use the morning then leave until the afternoon, when they use the afternoon then leave it until morning. Then wash when showering.

4. Remove blackheads
Besides being able to clean the skin dirty toothpaste can also remove blackheads. The way is to brush the blackheads with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste that has been mixed in a little water. Perform routine but if blackheads already lost discontinue use.

5. Reduce oily skin

Efficacy was amazing toothpaste for further beauty is that it can reduce the oil on the skin. The way to wash your face with a mixture of water and salt toothpaste. Do it every morning twice a week.

6. Reduce Wrinkles
The content of the toothpaste in addition to cleaning also can reduce skin wrinkles. You do this by applying the toothpaste on the part of wrinkles leave overnight. Rinse with warm water next morning.

7. Disguise black line
Toothpaste can disguise the black lines by mixing toothpaste with water, then apply on the black line. Let stand for 30 minutes, gently massage while washing face.

That's the amazing properties of toothpaste for the beauty you need to know. Toothpastes contain ingredients that can make the skin even become hot. For the use of toothpaste should only be done on the skin of the wound alone. If the skin is back to normal then stop use. Remember toothpaste to treat not only to prevent.

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